March 15 2010 1 15 /03 /March /2010 23:12
Buffy The Vampire Slayer - The Score
Oh, My Joss, there are so many facts I cannot believe right now, I have to make a list:

- I cannot believe that a Score for Buffy The Vampire Slayer is out, with all of Christophe Beck's original tracks on it!
- I cannot believe that it's only been out since 2008, I mean what were they thinking about, the show ended in, like, 2003!
- I cannot believe that I've only found that out this weekend.
- I cannot believe that if it weren't for Amazon's suggestions, I might have been ignorant of this major fact for months if not years!
- I cannot believe that I still have those crappy MP3s of C. Beck's music when it aired in the episodes of Buffy, so that in some you had the dialogues, the others were harshly cut before the dialogues began.
- I cannot believe that I still know them all by heart, and I can tell which episode each track was aired in. All this useless knowledge, when you think about it...
- I cannot believe that I've been dreaming of this album for years and now I've got it!
- I cannot believe that some people will think I'm using my crazy , annoying but so funny (at least for me) sense of irony in this post, when I'm totally not. If when I was 6 or 7 I showed the early signs of geeky fanness by setting my alarm to ring at 7 so I could watch my cartoons on weekends and wednesdays (class-free day in France), I really became a true fan by watching Buffy.

I think it's time to rere(insert 15 "re" here)watch the first 3 seasons...
