November 28 2010 7 28 /11 /November /2010 21:04


I went to K's Choice gig last Monday in Paris. It was awesome, they were definitely up to my expectations!

I got lucky enough to be on the right side of the scene, precisely facing Sarah Bettens (the lead singer). I even managed to scrape one of her mediators at the end of the show, which is a great souvenir. It's labelled "K's Choice" and all, I think that's cool.But then, I'm such a groupie that even if it were bare I would have found it awesome.

Anyway, the concert was great, they started with an acoustic part for about 45 minutes, and that's when they sang their melancholic pieces.



Then they had a 10min break and came back for the rock & roll part. It was so great to have the show split in two parts because they really are into two different kinds of music: pop rock and acoustic/melancholic. So this ordering the tracks was ingenious because it avoided mixing the genres and created two very distinct atmospheres during the night. At first, a quiet and awed ambiance, and then the fun part of being at a concert with dancing, clapping your hands in rhythm and singing your lungs out.




I'll definitely be there for their next tour!
