July 15 2010 4 15 /07 /July /2010 22:56


Everything you love from Pixar is there. Emotion, laughter, amazing image quality (even in 3D), and their ability to build something new with characters they have already portrayed in two other films... the substance is what lacks in Dreamworks' motion pictures.

Of course I laughed, of course I cried, it's just what you expect from a good old Disney-Pixar's. To me they're, quite simply, pure genius.

- Go see Toy Story 3, because if there's one film that brings the child out of you, it's this one.

- Go see Toy Story 3, because at the end you'll remember and realise that the first one, the revolutionary Toy Story, was out fifteen years ago. Not five, not ten, but fifteen.

- Go see Toy Story 3 in 3D, because just like Up, it's amazing!

- Go see Toy Story 3, because Ken is hilarious.

- Go see Toy Story 3, because Buzz Lightyear is amazing.

- Go see Toy Story3, because Woody's still got a heart bigger than him.

Just go see it already!


<br /> <br /> J'en reviens pas que le 1er est sorti il y a 15 ans.... 0_0<br /> <br /> <br /> En tout cas je l'ai adoré, pour les mêmes raisons que toi!<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />