March 3 2010 3 03 /03 /March /2010 23:07
Maybe it's because I'm tired, but I just discovered, quite randomly, Tyler Oakley's channel on YouTube, and I've been laughing my ass off for the past hour.

I like people who speak fast in general, but here there's something in the ever-present sarcasm I particularly enjoy.

There are many, many more on his channel. One I like particularly:


I so agree on this, it's cool!

July 24 2009 5 24 /07 /July /2009 23:52
Hi to all,

In this new blog I'm going to talk about all the things I like, mainly: books, movies, TV shows, music,  and geeky stuff. I'll give you my very personal take on those, and I might recommend stuff as well.

What you must know first of all is that I'm French, and I'm also a geek. Which means that I find lots of things like economics, politics and history perfectly boring, whereas I have a genuine interest in fiction. But not all things fiction, e.g. I don't watch Star Trek and I don't read comic books.

I have not yet determined why I like what I like, but I think it's more a question of intuition and feeling than of content. For example, I love CSI and CSI: NY, but can't stand CSI: Miami. I like Muse but not Placebo. I absolutely adore the Harry Potter (HP) books but could not read past the first 80 pages of The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Rings. Yet, I love the LOTR movies and have much trouble not cringing when watching most HP ones (I think the first and third ones were not that bad, the others were pieces of crap), and I'm positive the 7th will be an outrage as well.

It's quite hard to make me like things after I've heard of them and tried first. Either I like something from the start or I'm totally indifferent or dislike it, and I generally don't change my mind. When I do, after a while I inevitably go back to my first impression. It is true of books, TV shows, music and movies, but also of people, interior designing and cities or places. It is, however, less true about clothes and shoes, most certainly because when you grow up, your daily environment changes, and so do the clothes of the people you're surrounded by. Clothes give you status, so you choose your status by choosing your clothes, and the status you aspire for changes along your life.

Another thing you should know is that I GENUINELY HATE SPOILERS. Please refrain from spoiling in your comments. I'll put a huge warning before writing would-be spoilers in my articles (the 20-point-size, red, bold and underlined 3 times kind of warning).

So, welcome to my world of critics to all things that matter - to me, anyway.

More about the title:
It's the title for Buffy the Vampire Slayer's pilot. I was a huge fan of Buffy's, at least the first 3 seasons. 4th wasbad, as all 4th seasons generally are. 5th and 6th were OK but for the 7th, really, I wonder what went into their minds... The Finale was total crap.