May 1 2013 4 01 /05 /May /2013 19:16

I haven't posted here in a long while.

I guess there are always times when you're less enthusiastic about sharing on the internet. A lot has happened since the time when I posted regularly. I've changed my perspective on my everyday life, and changed some habits.




- I discovered Pinterest as a great source for all things DIY and improving your lifestyle. I've therefore done lots of crafting in 2012, something I've always loved but hadn't done in a long time. I've improved the organizing of my apartment, for example, and have become more tidy than I ever was.



- I've been taking Zumba lessons every week, after a 14 years sport-less period. I've been "looking" for a sport for a long time, one that would motivate me and that would have a nice learning curve so I wouldn't get bored or fed up too quickly. I find Zumba awesome, because once you get the logic behind the steps - which can take a while - and when you get your breathing under control - which took me a looooonnnng time - there is still a lot to improve, because Zumba is made to look sexy and curvy and fluid, and that's really hard. I'm loving every minute of every lesson though, the music is awesome and sounds like holidays. I also get that stupid smile on my face for one hour straight, it's not usual for me - I'm addicted to this feeling.



- I've been less regular with my cinema habits. I'm not proud of that actually, but better go to the movies and really enjoy it than just go for the sake of using your unlimited monthly pass just because I'm paying for it. 



- I've made new friends, and lost some along the way. It happens, I'm not sad about this. 



- I've seen one of the greatest concerts of my life, COLDPLAY at Stade de France in September 2012. Epic doesn't even begin to cover that.



- I've been disappointed by Lady Gaga's concert at Stade de France in September 2012. That's a shame, really.



- Some books have changed me: Ken Follett's Fall of Giants and Winter of the World, the first two installments of the Century trilogy are epic novels taking place in Britain, Germany, Russia, the US in the 20th century.

Just like The Pillars of the Earth and World Without End, which take place in the Middle Ages, these 1000 pages (each) novels feature a dozen "main" characters, each in their own country. Some meet, others don't, but they are all connected to some degree. I'm loving their stories, because the points of view are so different from one country to another, and it helps understand the World Wars. I've always hated History in class, but now I can see the point behind all these facts and dates. Important events that actually occurred in the real world at the time are in the books, along with the real Historic characters. But the books focus on fictional characters, their personal lives, their battles. I'm understanding things I never understood before, and I've gained a lot of perspective from these books, which I'm trying to transfer to my real life.  



- Some films have changed me: "La Guerre est déclarée", a French movie/true story about a couple whose baby has a brain tumor. Their struggle in the hospitals, treatments etc. is told in a very realistic way, and the film doesn't play on sentimentality or drama, which I did not expect.



- Some music has changed me: My iPod was invaded by Zumba music. I'm loving it, even though it's not what I was going for before taking Zumba classes.



- Some TV shows have changed me: Downton Abbey and Castle keep hooking me even after 3 and 5 seasons respectively. I feel so different now than I did before, about a lot of things.I've started New Girl again and I love it. I've also been re-watching all the Boy Meets World episodes. It was a show I used to love when I was younger, it's great to see it again.


I think I'm back. I feel the pull of the blog, we'll see if it holds!
